The History of Romance
The History of Romance follows the story of Puss and Leslie, two genderless Pangeasexuals as they outline the history of romance from Shakespeare to modern film. As the show goes on, the audience is left with the sense that while many classic depictions of romance are flawed and heteronormative, they are witnessing a genuine, beautiful, sincere love right in front of them.
The History of Romance toured North America and Europe in the fall of 2016, including Det Andre Teatret in Oslo, Norway. History of Romance received ★★★★★ from the National Post and Vancouver Sun.
Romance also won the B.C. Touring Council Award at the Vancouver Fringe and was showcased at the Pacific Contact Conference. It will be presented at Surrey Civic Theatres, Evergreen Cultural Centre and the Chilliwack Cultural Centre in 2018.
Production History
Chilliwack Cultural Centre 2019
Surrey Civic Theatre 2018
Comedy Central Stage 2017
Det Andre Teatret, Oslo Norway
The Park Theatre, Winnipeg 2016
Edmonton Fringe 2016
Vancouver Fringe 2016