Fin is a sprawling theatrical comedy that captures and releases your anxieties about how twisted our world has become.
The show begins with audience members selecting, in an actual, open election, one of the performers on stage. The show follows the populist leader as he ultimately fails to protect his constituents from an environmental disaster.
Fin is a fully functioning choose-your-own adventure for its audiences and features an unknowing audience member being hired as the town’s Press Secretary and forced to hold a contentious press conference for the town.
The show was Hip.Bang!’s response to Donald Trump’s rise to power in America and was intended to situate the audience squarely amidst the awkward tension of complicity in political systems that have failed western societies, while also providing outlets to laugh at that tension and frustration.
This show was a hit at the continent’s biggest Fringe, selling out many shows while garnering four-star reviews from the National Post and Edmonton Journal, who called it “quick,” “seamless” and “hilarious.”
Written and performed by Devin Mackenzie and Tom Hill
Production History
Toronto Sketch Festival 2017
Edmonton Fringe 2017
Vancouver Fringe 2017